ISO 9001 – Continuous Service Improvement

ISO 9001We are dedicated to delivering continuous and sustainable service improvement focussed on the customer experience.

Who Are We?

nib consulting ltd. specialises in the most innovative and modern approaches to all aspects of safeguarding and early intervention.

Our ISO 9001 approved lead auditor, Marisa De Jager has a strong social work management background with experience in Child Protection, systems improvement and project management.

Our Support

  • Ensure improvement planning incorporates ISO 9001 key principles, connection to corporate objectives and customer needs.
  • Improve the organisation’s existing systems through the ISO 9001 framework.
  • Inspection preparation through ISO 9001 standard auditing, risk and gap analysis.
  • Work to your specific scope and the processes that you identify and apply.
  • Identify steps required to adopt a quality management system through use of our uniquely tailored standards.

How You Benefit

  • ISO 9001 methodology identifies your services are committed to quality improvement.
  • Streamlined processes improve efficiency, reduce or contain costs whilst improving accountability.
  • Greater clarity and focus on corporate objectives creates enhanced organisation motivation
  • Continuous review of processes and standards improve and sustain the highest levels of customer experience.
  • Staff focus activity to creat the best customer experience.