Tag Archives: Troubled Families

Putting children and families first with an Early Offer of Help

This is the second blog in our series on the Early Help Offer, as an addition to universal preventative services for children and troubled families.

Back in 2011 Professor Eileen Munro recommended that the government place a statutory duty on local authorities and their partners to ensure enough early intervention services were in place.

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Early Offer of Help, including the Troubled Families programme as part of the MASH

Children and young people are often the most vulnerable members of our communities with local authorities and their partners providing social care support to those experiencing the highest levels of problems.

Nevertheless, it is important that all partners and communities provide effective and co-ordinated help and support to children and their families at the earliest opportunity, to prevent them from having to experience such difficulties and related distress in the first place. The Early Help and Troubled Families programmes (see below) are considered to be dynamic connections to the multiagency safeguarding hub (MASH).

Continue reading Early Offer of Help, including the Troubled Families programme as part of the MASH